Here, NFS is a liability, because the limits of the NFS server be it bandwidth, storage capacity, or processor speed throttle the overall performance of the computation. 在这里,NFS是一个负担,因为NFS服务器的局限性比如带宽、存储容量和处理器速度限制了总体计算性能。
The establishment of a uniform liability limits is one of the most important characteristics of Warsaw Convention and Warsaw System. 《华沙公约》及其华沙体制的一个显著特点,是建立了统一的损害赔偿限额。
The Asian Tigers have the unfair advantage of Tiger Mothers who see in their children the power of potential, not the liability of limits. 亚洲虎妈妈们也许没有占尽优势,但是小亚洲虎崽们却表现出无限的潜力。(比喻亚洲虽然是发展中国家,但是人才优势潜力无限。)
The article discusses the relationship between the non-symmetry information, collateral obligation and liability of fault in the process of making contract, the article also discusses the limits of the liability of the fault in making contract. 就信息不对称与附随义务以及违反附随义务导致的缔约过失责任之间的关系以及缔约过失责任的范围等进行论述。
According to internal logic order of the controlling and managing the government contingent liability, this part points four basic countermeasure and suggestions The first one is deepening the system reform and keeping within limits of the local government contingent liability. 本部分按照政府或有债务控制管理的内在逻辑顺序,主要提出了四个方面的对策建议,即深化体制改革,加强源头控制;
Third, the liability that exemption clause exempts or limits is the liability in the future; 三是免责条款所免除或限制的是未来的责任;
The mixed model of liability limits has been adopted by international and national rules on international multimodal transport of goods. 而综合性赔偿责任限制模式业已被当今多式联运国际规则和国内立法所采用。
The second part is about the basic theory of CPA's civil liability to third parties. This part mainly elaborated the limits standard of "the third parties of scope", the nature of CPA's civil liability to third parties, and imputation principle so on. 第二部分是关于注册会计师对第三人民事责任的基础理论,主要论述了第三人范围的界定标准,注册会计师对第三人民事责任的性质、归责原则等内容。
The core of arguments in these cases is whether the operators who have breached the duty of security take an infringement or breach of contract and take the full complement responsibility or liability limits. 这些案件争论的核心是经营者违反安全保障义务是构成侵权还是构成违约,经营者的补充责任是全额补充责任还是限额补充责任。
The limited liability partnership ( LLP) is a popular form of business organization in the US in recent years, which unifies the merits of the tradition partnership and the company, and limits the legal responsibility of partnership. 有限责任合伙(LLP)是近年来流行于美国的一种商业组织形式,它结合了传统合伙和公司两方面的优点,合理限制了专业人士以合伙方式运作时所需承担的法律责任。
As the principle of criterion of liability evolves from presumption of fault into strict liability, the liability limits is being raised up. 归责原则从过错推定责任原则逐步向严格责任原则演化,而与之相伴随的是责任限额不断提高。